The number one reason is improve on their current performance with the sport they are in. Take for example Tiger Woods, the professional golfer, with severe shor-sightedness and need to wear contacts lens for each of his game. He is always concern about the weather condition like windy or rainy day which can affects his judgement.After his lasik eye surgery, he claim to experience an improvement in viewing the holes on the green. And until now he is still happy with his vision. Many golfers would agree to opt for this eye cosmetic treatment which ultimately can potentially helps in their overall scoring.
Another great benefit to the sportsman is that they not longer need to wear their contact lenses or vision aid device during their training. This would mean one less worry for them. Especially for swimmers, they no longer need to wear degree fitted googel,specticle or sunglasses. The cost in saving can be alot over a period of a few years.
An interesting finding shows that footballers, golfers, basketball players and hockey players are among the top group of people who opt to have an eye lasik surgery. This is followed by divers and swimmers.
With the in-born talent and training, athletes should be able to excel in the sports that they love. Althletes should not be put down by the problem of poor eye sight which hinder the growth of their career as a sportsman. Perhaps the biggest obsticle to the althlete is the risk involved. However, with the advancement of technology in eye lasik surgery operation, the risk factors would no longer be of concern.